10 Things I Wish I Knew as a New Runner [Infographic]

New to running? Here are some tips!
10 Things I Wish I Knew As A New Runner
- Start From Where You Are: Start from where you are fitness-wise and build slowly.
- Don't Comparison Shop: Don't compare yourself to others...everyone starts at the beginning.
- Make Running Friends: Be open, be vulnerable and surround yourself with other runners and wannabe runners.
- Lube Up: Avoid running apparel with rough seams, wear technical apparel that wicks moisture, invest in Body Glide.
- Mix Things Up: It's wise to alternate a running day with a cross-train day — strength train, cycling, yoga...do something difference once in awhile.
- Breathe: Use your breathing rate to guide you rather than your running pace.
- Let Your Body Be Your Guide: Listen to your body instead of trying to keep up with your buddy.
- Keep Track & Rate Yourself: Rate how you feel overall during your workouts and color code them, then you will begin to see trends in how your body responds to the workouts.
- It's All About the Effort: Your body knows effort, not pace. Learn to run by how your body responds in the moment.
- Patience Grasshopper:Let the miles come to you in time — you'll enjoy the journey and learn to love running along the way.